Hayley + Tyler • Hawaii Couple's Jeep Adventure!

Building community is so important.

Being a photographer in Hawaii poses a potential for isolation – between the intense business competition (Hawaii’s destination wedding industry is seriously no. joke.) and the nature of a photographer’s job to work at home, alone – it’s both a love/hate thing for me.

Love, because I’m naturally an introvert. I talk about this a lot on Instagram. Currently, due to COVID-19, we’re in a stay-at-home mandate, and I am thriving due to the lack of pressure to meet up + hang out publicly.

Hate, because I do enjoy close friendships + relationships that go deep, and bypass the social b.s. that can feel so shallow. But those connections take effort + a LOT of work.

So when I met Hayley, she had moved to Hawaii because of her husband’s career that relocated them here. She was an established wedding + elopement photographer, so I felt immediately drawn to her work. She has a delicate yet edgy vibe that I really take inspiration from.

We connected and talked about doing photos here + there but no opportunities really manifested. Until we were able to plan a date where she and her husband Tyler would model for me with their beautiful blue Jeep! LIKE WHAT! How flippin fun is that idea for a photo session?

The entire day was SO FUN. I’ve never rode in a Jeep before!! We took the beauty off-roading along the bumping dirt down the Westside of Oahu, Hawaii, watching the mountains and ocean encase us on both sides. The sunset blanketed us from behind and Hayley + Tyler ran together as dirt kicked up from their heels. It was perfect.

Lesson at the end of the day?

Sometimes there’s no lesson. Sometimes you just need to make connections, go out of your comfort zone + see what magic happens. I think it’s worth it.

Check out Hayley Burke’s photography website HERE.
You won’t regret it :)